Are you ready for 2012? Here are some ideas to help your company market in 2012.
Your 2012 Action Plan
How do you plan to keep an eye on the competition?
- Shop them- Go into their
business and act as a potential client.
Call and see how they answer the phone.
- Work with them- Sometimes your
competitor could be an amazing referral partner.
- Research- Check out their
Social Media and website. See what
they are doing. What works for them and what doesn’t.
- Continuing Education- Staying
current and ahead of the Game.
- Attend workshops- Have brain storming sessions, ask them what works, build relationships.
B, Effectively
Using Social Media in 2012
- Linkedin- Effectively using groups. Starting discussions and participating
in group discussions.
- Facebook Fan Page- promote
things you do in the community.
Have theme days on your page.
Start off with a couple.
When they take off incorporate another one. What’s going on Wednesday, Tuesday Tip
day, Favorite thing Friday.
- Email Marketing- Be
consistent. Have fun with it. The topics don’t always have to be about
your company. Put fun things that will make your readers want to read
- Utilize Search Engine
Optimization (SEO) - Learn how it can draw more traffic to my website/
- Workshops/ Classes- Take more workshops and classes to be up to date on all the new things going on with Facebook, LInkedin, Twitter, Google+ etc.
C. Events for your current clients-
- Put on training events/ lunch
and learns
- Sponsor or co- Sponsor events/
charity events-
- Bring in speakers
- Have a in house client
appreciation day- Family fun day, bring in spa services, wine tasting,
- Charity events- In house or at other locations.
D. Participate in your community-
- Networking Events- Join business face to face networking groups. Be active and go often.
- Mentoring- Children/ Youth organizations, colleges, networking organizations, charities, etc.
- Non- Profits- volunteering, Board, Committees, Work in Kind, Sponsorships, Fundraising.
- Sponsorship- Profits, non-profits, community events, business events.
- Teach workshops/ classes- youth groups (Girl/ Boy Scouts), High Schools, companies that you are targeting the same clientele, Trade Shows, Networking Groups.
E. Participating in
Trade Shows-
1. Business
Card Drawing- Give away big prizes, bounce back promotion for everyone who
2. Advertise
Trade Show- Email your contacts, post on social media, invite connections on
facebook and linkedin, post in your office.
Show value to you and the show by helping promote it.
3. Give
Tickets to the event- Have new/ current client promotion/ contest, Give tickets
to your top clients in a nice hand written card.
4. Guest
Speaker- Along with having a booth. See if you can be a guest speaker.
5. Sponsor-
Sponsor the event or an award.
6. Info-
Make sure to have plenty of information to give the other vendors and people
attending the event.
F. Face to Face Networking-
- Attend Chamber Events- Good for meeting potential Referral partners/ sources. Go with a game plan and meet new people. Set up 1-on-1’s to learn more about them and their company.
- 1-on-1- Set up meetings with people in your networking groups. Learn more about them and their company and see how you can help each other. 1-on-1’s are key to grow your company.
- Join Networking Group- that the networking groups may have.
- Set up workshops-
- Attend more events- Charity, Business Mixers, Business Networking functions, etc.
G.Referral Programs-
1. Clients-
Bring a friend and receive_______.
2. Employees-
Sell a certain amount of product or services and receive. Instead of having one big winner, it is good
to have them be able to reach a goal. Or
top 5 people get________.
3. Other
Companies- Get with referral partners to do a referral program together. It could be something were they have to visit
both companies. Or the company gives you the prize for advertising them.
4. Website-
swap website banners.
5. Social
Media- Refer
a friend to our fan page, Share our page on your wall and enter to win, Refer
the most fans and get_______, refer 10 friends and get_______.
What forms of marketing are you going to focus your energy?
Social Media Mobile Marketing
Blogging Vlogging
Newsletters Newsprint
Email Marketing in
house marketing
Newsprint Networking
QR Codes Sponsorships
Face to Face Networking Referral
Social Media tools
Facebook Facebook
Fan Pages Twitter
Blogging Linkedin BizMatchConnect
Google+ Blogging Youtube
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