Sunday, July 8, 2012

11 ways to grow your instagram followers

1. Take good pics.
3. Use 3rd party pic apps to make your pictures more appealing- like PicFrame., PicYou, Pixtromatic, Pic Stitch
4. Hashtag- Tags are a great way to group your photos with other peoples interest.  This also works great when you are tweeting your photos.
5. Mention your friends that are in the photo.  Mention them when you are commenting on peoples photos.
6. Geo Tag different places where pics were taken.
7. Follow people and hope they follow you back.
8. Like and comment on other users photos.
9. Connect your Instagram account to Facebook and Twitter.
10. Make your Instagram profile easy to find with a current e-mail and first and last name.
11. Take more pics-  Put don't upload them all at once.  This is a quick way for people to delete you.